Sunday, March 15, 2009


Been super tired & busy lately which explains the inconsistency in my blog entries. What's been happening for this past two weeks is that my munchkin is sick with fever & cough. Apparently when we got to the doc, he prescribed for us antibiotics which he was allergic to. He literally swelled up like HITCH. My poor boy, he was itching & all that. We went to the doctor 2 more x and it cost us like 90+ dollars but at least his swelling all went down by the third day. So right now he's healthy & fit as a fiddle.

Speaking of munchkies, I have a neighbour who has a son one day younger than Raouf. Usually, the boy's grandma would be home taking care of him. I am in no position to judge how they raise their kids whatsoever but it pissed me & naif off when the boy's mom tried to upsell her son like her son was better than Raouf. I mean you can be proud of your son, esp since its your first but bragging & all that?? C'mon! is there really a need? At least my son doesnt pee outside the corridor. He uses proper diapers instead of some bib that the poor boy's grandma tied like a g-string. Seriously at such a young age? That has got to be uncomfortable. My son may not be able to walk as early as her's did at 8mths but hey! to each its own. His progressing and I aint complaining. At least my son is healthy unlike yours which is super overweight. So talk to the hand woman!

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